您的当前位置:首页 >邪不 >搭乘中国高铁,看铁路如何推动国家发展雪花飞舞 正文
时间:2024-11-08 17:59:59 来源:网络整理编辑:邪不
Take China's high-speed rail to see how the world transforms the connection.“亲眼看到家乡发生变化,那种心情真的太好了。”尼 雪花飞舞
Take China's high-speed rail to see how the world transforms the connection.
"Seeing the changes in my hometown with my own eyes,推动 that feeling is really good." Nigeria Bai Yang, since childhood dream to become a train driver. In 2006, she met the Chinese company to build a railway in Nigeria, learning Chinese, competition, hard training, Bai Yang became the first female urban rail driver in Nigeria.
"High-speed rail makes it easier for us to get together." Sofia, Colombia, the first time to take high-speed rail.For many years, Bogota, Colombia, mainly rely on rapid transit system.Now, the city overpass is changed. The construction of subway schools, Bogota's 60 years of "subway dream" gradually come to reality...
During the World Youth Development Forum 2024,the "Youth Salon" of China Youth Daily invited Bai Yang and Sofia, who had traveled to other cities to participate in the theme forum, to take a ride on China's high-speed rail and talk about what the railway has brought to the development of the country.
Click on the video and listen to their stories!
Produced by: Zhang Kun
Chief producer: Dong Shi
监制:吴德祖 张国
Producer: Wu Dezu, Zhang Guo
策划:闵捷 王俊秀
Project Planner: Min Jie, Wang Junxiu
制片人:魏和平 王烁程
Producer: Wei Heping, Wang Shuocheng
Editor and Director: Zhu Yijie
Director of Photography: Xu Yi
Reporter: Zhao Anqi
摄像:许译 林天羽 李想
Cinematographer: Xu Yi, Lin Tianyu, Li Xiang
Post-production Editor: Xu Yi
制片:赵安琪 李若一
Production: Zhao Anqi, Li ruoyi
平面设计:聂亚栋 林天羽
Graphic Design: Nie Yadong, Lin Tianyu
Guest invitation: Zhu Yijie
Poster designer: Zhu Yijie
Issued and Publicized by: Zhu Yijie
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